When you are going to be off the grid and need to charge you’re iPod, cell phone or other small electronic device here are a few tips. The first step is to estimate your total power needs, and choose a solar panel to match. Some common power Watt-Hours needed to fully charge various common electronic devices are iPods – 6 whrs, Camera – 6 whrs, Cell phone – 4, 2x AA Batteries- 8 whrs. Watt-Hours is a measure of a battery’s capacity. Laptops run between 65 & 120 whrs and it is unlikely someone would take one for a overnight hike so I will not include them in this discussion.
You will then need to come to an average expected portable battery device usage for the gadget. As an example, say you need to charge two AA batteries each day for a GPS unit, and an iPod every other day. Total daily power needs: 12 wH. Select a solar device that will supply enough power for your specific needs. For more demanding portable applications like research expeditions, we suggest you be conservative when estimating the power production from portable solar panels. It is nearly impossible to get ideal exposure for a solar panels when it is simply strapped to your backpack, draped over your tent, or spread out on the ground. In other words, the available sunlight can be varied.
Once you settle in on your energy needs and select a portable solar charger to fit them, you are going to need to choose a battery pack to store your solar power. It should be small & amp; light because you do not want to add any more weight to your pack than necessary. It needs to provide the connectors you need to charge all your devices. It should also store enough solar power to get you through times when the sun isn’t as bright as we hope. We like to estimate at least equal to your daily needs. In our example, this would mean a storage capacity of at least 12 Watt-Hours. Brunton has a wide selection of portable solar energy panels and battery chargers to store the portable solar power you produce.
Brunton portable power high-quality cheap solar technology is incorporated into a range of products from its foldable portable solar chargers, offering everyone from hikers, backpackers outdoors enthusiasts to commuters, to military applications. Brunton portable solar is a solution to charge cell phones, laptops, and portable batteries anywhere around the globe. Brunton is the leader in the burgeoning portable solar technologies field. Solar technology has reached its most convenient, lightweight form: the newly-engineered flexible solar panel. Blue Pacific Solar is the proud carrier of over 50 modules of flexible solar panels, offered in a variety of sizes.